Personal Stories

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Not like the others

Sometimes deep inside, I used to feel like something was wrong with me. I was not like everyone else, and I did not want to be like everyone else. I knew that though I was in the same school, clubs, and organizations, I did not think like all the others. I was different. I saw the world differently than the rest.

Then I met a group of people who helped me to understand for the first time in my life who Jesus really was. Once I met the real Jesus of the Bible, I understood why I was different. I was different because God had been slowly revealing His truth to me all along through my thoughts, but I was totally unaware it was Him. I was different because God was at work in me.

When I started meeting with these people and learning more about Jesus, I found a place where I did fit in.  I now fit with a group of people who were committed to following and obeying Jesus.

Always with Me

I was very greedy.  I wanted lots of money and things.  I was also very angry because I would see other people with nice things and think that I should have those things too.    I was never content.    I would think that if I just had that thing, I would be happy.  Even when I had new things, the happiness would not stay.

But the worst thing was that I was alone inside.  I could be with lots of people; but still felt alone. 

Then a friend told me something that Jesus said,  “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul?” I realized this was what I was doing.  I was trying to gain everything in the world, but inside I was dead.  So I began really reading the Bible to understand more about Jesus.  From the Bible, I realized that the God who created the entire universe cared about and loved me.  That God loved me so much that He came to the earth to die for me and then come back to life to conquer death for me.

So I prayed and told God “ I am so tired.  I am so tired of being greedy and angry, of never being content, and of being alone inside.  I believe Jesus died for my sins and rose from the dead.  I give my whole life to you and will follow you from now on.”

Since that time I am no longer greedy or angry.  I don’t care what other people have.  I am also content and understand that God has given me so much and blessed me in so many ways.  I am so thankful for these blessings. 

But the best part is that I am no longer alone.  No matter where I am or who I am with, the Holy Spirit is inside me and always with me.  Wherever I am, Jesus is with me always and always will be and I know he will be for all of eternity.

From rebellion to beloved

I grew up in a Christian home and believed in the Messiah, was baptized, and followed his teachings. But as a teenager, I started to rebel against rules to be like my friends. I thought I was happy and enjoying life, but sometimes I felt I was lost and empty because I was far from God. The turning point in my life came when I was pregnant with my daughter. I wanted her to believe and to follow God. I wanted to be a good mother, and I wanted to be faithful to the Messiah. I prayed and told God I was sorry for all the wrong things I was doing. I told him I was sorry for my selfishness, my jealousies, and my anger. I told him that I wanted to change and to become a better person. I thanked the Messiah for dying on the cross to pay the price for my sins. I began to tell others that I was a follower of the Messiah. I promised to follow him faithfully. After that prayer, I changed, and my life changed. I became more loving and kinder to others. I felt peace inside me. I knew that God was close to me and I was able to talk to him in my prayers. I began to read the Scriptures and to understand how to live a life pleasing to God. Life has been hard at times, but through the challenges, I know that the Messiah is with me. He is my comforter when I cry. He loves me.

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