From Rebellion to Beloved
by Virginia

I grew up in a Christian home and believed in the Messiah, was baptized, and followed his teachings. But as a teenager, I started to rebel against rules to be like my friends. I thought I was happy and enjoying life, but sometimes I felt I was lost and empty because I was far from God. The turning point in my life came when I was pregnant with my daughter. I wanted her to believe and to follow God. I wanted to be a good mother, and I wanted to be faithful to the Messiah. I prayed and told God I was sorry for all the wrong things I was doing. I told him I was sorry for my selfishness, my jealousy, and my anger. I told him that I wanted to change and become a better person. I thanked the Messiah for dying on the cross to pay the price for my sins. I began to tell others that I was a follower of the Messiah. I promised to follow him faithfully. After that prayer, I changed, and my life changed. I became more loving and kinder to others. I felt peace inside me. I knew that God was close to me, and I was able to talk to him in my prayers. I began reading the Scriptures and understanding how to live a life pleasing to God. Life has been hard at times, but through the challenges, I know that the Messiah is with me. He is my comforter when I cry. He loves me.