الله كلمني من خلال الموسيقى

بواسطة ريمون

I was a person that wasn’t satisfied with life and had a hostile personality. I was also lustful. I often hit my mother and father when I became angry. I was involved with rough, competitive sports and was doing drugs at that same time.

لحد ما فيه يوم إتقابلت مع شخص من الكنيسة وطلب مني اروح معاه الكنيسة فوافقت اني اروح. وفي الكنيسة الخادم طلب انه يصلي معايا فصليت وحسيت احساس غريب في اعماق قلبي,

I love music, yet I never found the songs that spoke to me. One day, I heard a song that touched my heart and it spoke of who Jesus is.  These new songs and prayers led me to ask Jesus to be my Savior. I was then set free from the drugs and loud, aggressive music and started following Jesus. Now I want to tell people about Jesus and what God has done in my life and how he showed me mercy.

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